What is Life Coaching ?

Life Coaching is a process where an individual or group of individuals are supported while achieving their specific personal or professional goals or results.

Coaching is a powerful process that supports people in realizing their true potential and empowers them to make sustainable, positive, inspirational change in their lives. It addresses specific personal projects, business goals, life transitions, work life balance, relationships etc. by examining what is going on now and discovering our challenges and obstacles, understanding them and formulating a course of action to make life what we want it to be.

It’s a process and hence it takes course over a period of time through sessions that are specially designed for the coachee.

Coaching is oriented towards solutions and continual improvement through ‘Thoughts Transformation’, turning thoughts into goals, goals into plans, plans into actions and actions in to results.

Why coaching ?

The Following Statistics Will Help You To Understand The Benefits Of Life Coaching ?

Life Coaching is a process where an individual or group of individuals are supported while achieving their specific personal or professional goals or results.

Coaching is a powerful process that supports people in realizing their true potential and empowers them to make sustainable, positive, inspirational change in their lives. It addresses specific personal projects, business goals, life transitions, work life balance, relationships etc. by examining what is going on now and discovering our challenges and obstacles, understanding them and formulating a course of action to make life what we want it to be.

It’s a process and hence it takes course over a period of time through sessions that are specially designed for the coachee.

Coaching is oriented towards solutions and continual improvement through ‘Thoughts Transformation’, turning thoughts into goals, goals into plans, plans into actions and actions in to results.

Where Coaching Can Help

  • Would you like to be living to your potential?
  • Do you need help setting priorities at home or in business?
  • Would you like to be more organized?
  • Would you like to have less stress?
  • Do you need a better work-life balance?
  • Would you like to have more time for yourself, your family or friends?
  • Would you like to improve the quality of your life?
  • Would you like to manage your time better and be more productive?
  • What skills do I need to grow and develop further?
  • What should I do next in my career within the organization?
  • How can I improve my relationship with a specific colleague or person?

Is coaching Right for you ?

Coaching requires a level of commitment from you and a desire to change. As your coach, we will work with you to assist you to develop ideas and plans to achieve results in your personal or professional life or both.
If you can say yes to the following then you are open to the possibilities of coaching;

  • Are you committed to making a change?
  • Are you willing to take responsibility for improving your life?
  • Are you ready to be challenged?
  • Are you able to take time each week to spend on yourself?
  • Are you prepared to be honest with yourself and your coach?
  • Are you willing to make a financial investment in your future?

A coaching session will typically take place as a conversation between the coach and the coachee (person being coached), and it focuses on helping the coachee discover answers for themselves. After all, people are much more likely to engage with solutions that they have come up with themselves, rather than those that are forced upon them.

Coaching is not … counseling or psychotherapy

Therapists or counsellor often look at the past to helps understand the present; they mentor individuals to replace or take on specific new behaviors. It’s a healing process for the wounds and pains of the past.

Coaching is a method to look towards the future. It is for people who desire to see improvement and beneficial change in their lives to move forward. It helps individuals move toward effective action by focusing on the present. A coach asks questions that provoke awareness, creating an environment for self-discovery.

Considering that India has become a complex work place with mounting pressures that affect personal and professional life, Life Coaching is a positive support that people can take up to feel more effective, efficient, successful and fulfilled.

Why you should see an Image and Nonverbal Coach

Our Image is our Visual Resume

Did you know that your visual appearance accounts for almost 93% of the impression we give to other people? We are a mental picture of what others think about us. This means our image is our visual resume and that knowing how to manage our personal presentation, such that we are quickly seen as effective and confident, is as critical as any business skill on a resume.

Dress for success to create impressive self-image

These days though, it is not just business attire we need to worry about, but also business casual. Many workplaces now have ‘casual Friday’ where employees can dress down a little. While this can be a lot of fun, it can also be a minefield, as often we are not very clear about the distinction between “Business formals” and “Business Casual”. A professional Image consultant assists you to understand these nuances and gets you ready to dress for success.

Professional image consultants know how to help one dress for success, and also how to use body language, business etiquette and color to our advantage, such that we always appear, behave and communicate appropriately, authentically and attractively.

An image consultant will be able to show us exactly which colors and styles of clothing and accessories best suit us and how to dress for success, whatever the occasion and no matter what size, age or shape we are.

It’s a process and hence it takes course over a period of time through sessions that are specially designed for the coachee.

A great time to see an image consultant is when we are looking to get a new job or have been recently hired for one. For fresh graduates, with barely any exposure to the corporate world, job interview is a very stressful time and a professional appearance with perfect business etiquette is of utmost importance to ace the interview. In today’s fast-paced world first impressions count, and our competence, intelligence and reliability is judged within seconds.

Change your Self Image, Change your life

So if we are interested in revamping our appearance for a new job or an interview, a new role we might have undertaken; professionally or personally, or a new relationship that we would like to start, we may want to think about using the services of an image consultant, to explore and understand ourselves better.

From professional image to personal image, a qualified image consultant can not only help us find the perfect wardrobe for the image of success that we want to portray, but also teach us how to behave and conduct yourself with perfect business etiquette from boardroom to a bar room, from birthdays to weddings to funerals, teaching us the art of conversation to gifting to lifestyle hobbies, assisting the clients in always putting our best foot forward and creating lasting self-impressions to achieve life’s goals and ambitions.

Another reason to see an image consultant is simply that we want to understand ourselves better, and showcase the inner strengths and skills to the outer world, so that we can experience richer, more fulfilling and happier lives. As we can see, there are a number of reasons why we may want to turn to a professional image consultant, but the important question to ask here is; “Do we want to be an image of success?”

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