You earn a six-figured income month on month. However, do you feel at the end of the month as if you don’t know where your money went? Have you managed to save enough? Do you feel the guilt of not knowing what “enough” means?

Our Financial Coaching module provides an answer to all the above questions. In this type of coaching, our coach sits with you to understand your income and your spending and saving habits. Since they are experts at managing finances, they then tell you how to manage your money so that it is channelized and utilized better.

They use a technique called the Six-Jar Technique to provide solutions that will considerably impact your financial planning. Not just that they equip you with this knowledge for life, so that you make these decisions for yourself in the future.

Based on your discussions with the coach, s/he might guide you to make certain decisions or change some aspects of your life that will further energize your financial situation. If sometimes, the decision is about changing jobs so that you will be in a better financial situation, our coach will work with you on doing that too.

After doing financial coaching sessions, managing your finances can come easily to you. And you will find yourself achieving your goals in a more focused manner and living a much fuller life.